As we all know that GSTR-9/9C Plays a very important and crucial role while initiating the business Audit. One can say that GSTR 9/9C are the complete Insights of All GST Returns for the relevant period. This webinar will completely based on Technical Analysis of GSTR -9/9C with Department Perspective. To provide a brief Guide about Annual Return and Reconciliations we coming with a live webinar on Analysis of GSTR -9/9C with complete Technical Guide. This webinar will be completely based on Practical Approach. In this webinar will cover the following Aspects :
- Analysis of GSTR -9/9C with reference to Business Audit : In this segment will discuss about complete Analysis of GSTR- 9/9C from GST Audit Perspective. Will also cover the Technical part of GSTR -9/9C. In this segment will discover about certain more interesting facts with Practical Aspects.
- Clause by Clause Analysis of GSTR -9/9C with Compliance Perspective : In this segment will discuss about complete clause by clause analysis of GSTR-9/9C from GST Audit Perspective. Will cover each every clause with its mandatory compliance and Technical Evaluation Perspective.
- Analysis of Various Computational Aspects of GSTR -9/9C : In this segment will discuss about various source parts of Annual Return and Reconciliation Statements which are Auto Populated in the Returns. Also will cover various Practical Techniques to Compute liabilities and Effect Thereof.
- Techniques to find out various Revenue Leakages through Analysis of GSTR -9/9C : This will be the vary important and crucial part of this webinar. In this segment will discuss about various Techniques to find out various Revenue Leakages from Analysis of GSTR -9/9C.
- Discussion on various Reconciliations from GST Perspective : In this segment will discuss about various Reconciliations from GST Audit Perspective with Reference to GSTR -9/9C. This segment will give brief idea about the Adjustment Part of Annual Return and Reconciliations.
- Analysis of Various Reversals under GST : In this segment will discuss about various Reversals in GSTR -9/9C. will also discuss about Auto populated data and fact finding thereof. This will guide you about the complete Evaluation of Various Reconciliations under GST.
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