Application of ISO 9001/14001 in True Sense
ISOs are implemented in today’s most of organizations and companies opt for ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and 14001 (Environment Management Systems) at a minimum. There are other relevant ISO certification also exist for example ISO 17025, ISO 50001 and so on.
The International Organization for Standardization is an international standard development organization composed of representatives from the national standards organizations of member countries and ISO is the acronym for International Organization for Standardization and it’s office is in Geneva, Switzerland.
The aim of implementing such standards is to make unified systems among companies and such organized structuring of Quality and environment documents helps elevate the organizations quality levels at a bare minimum level. Continual improvement is key pillar of both these management system and if followed genuinely, several improvement objectives taken to improve the product and processes.
The author has been associated with manufacturing environment since last 20 years and have come across several organizations. A general perception about such certifications is that these are usually taken due to business needs and the real benefits of such certification s are undermined due to not being followed in Toto.
It may be wrong to generalize as such but many of the times, ISO documents are being reviewed only during the time of certification renewals. It may be hard to see processes referring ISO work instructions on daily basis in reality. Management also wonder sometimes about the real worth of expense on such certifications. But such situation can be improved by minor changes in changing the mentality about ISOs and adopting some strengthening mechanism of ISO systems in the organization.
Top down approach
All improvement efforts in an organization demands top down approach, i.e. If something has to go well, top management has to be involved and show solidarity to follow anything which it wishes to gain success.
Be paper free
One of the key decision might be considering ISO system paper free. There are some EDMS (Electronic Document Management Software) available out of box which can be configured to gain access to all ISO documents throughout organizations. Some of such EDP software are free and easy to adopt.
One such EDMS offered by us is an open source, fully-fledged document management software equipped with the best management tools. It keeps documents organized and has a modifiable interface. This DMS works over the Internet and Intranet and uses all kind of database.
The whole ISO documentation is usually considered as pyramid structure. The policy definitions including mission, vision statement are at the highest level and suitably defined in the quality manual. All the departments are issued with department specific procedures and work instructions are drafted to take effect all the processes correctly.
The above said hierarchy well implemented through an EDMS.
Be more organized
Being paper free might not be a big thing, but the EDP software’s help in becoming organized is the key benefit. All ISO documents comes online, Work instructions are handier. It becomes easy to update the documents for frequent changes. Access becomes easier.
All such things creates environment so as ISO is being referred in true sense and organization shall soon start to see the real benefits of working with such standards.
The author can help in making your ISO management system more practical and reap the real benefits such certifications should give. Please contact the author for a live demo of one of such real time implementation.