Clarification on GST Rate and Classification of ‘Rab’ Post 49th GST Council Meeting
CIRCULAR NO. 191/03/2023- GST [F.NO. CBIC-190354/21/2023-TO(…CLARIFICATION REGARDING GST RATE AND CLASSIFICATION OF ‘RAB’ BASED ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE GST COUNCIL IN ITS 49TH MEETING HELD ON 18TH FEBRUARY, 2023CIRCULAR NO. 191/03/2023- GST [F.NO. CBIC-190354/21/2023-TO(TRU-II)- CBEC], DATED 27-3-2023Based on the recommendation of the GST council in its 49th meeting, held on 18th February, 2023, with effect from the 1st March, 2023, 5% GST rate has been notified on Rab, when sold in pre- packaged and labelled, and Nil GST, when sold...
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